Which just goes to show you, Gentle Reader, that excellent music transcends culture and style...
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello...
7 years ago
Meanderings, musings and material concerning classical education, homeschooling, books, homemaking and the Christian life...whatever pops into Chris' mind...
In our self-absorbed culture, we need to see the grandeur of this [God's] kingdom. We cannot shrink it to the size of our needs and desires. It takes us far beyond our personal situations and relationships. The king came not to make our agendas possible, but to draw us into something more amazing, glorious, and wonderful than we could ever imagine...This left me pondering my own self-absorption, and wondering how many of my relational problems with my brothers and sister in Christ are more a matter of self-absorption and personal agenda than they are matters of the glory of Christ and His kingdom. Tripp continues:
As we listen to eternity, we realize that the kingdom is about God radically changing people, but not in the self-absorbed sense our culture assumes. Christ came to break our allegiance to such an atrophied agenda and call us to the one goal worth living for. His kingdom is about the display of his glory and people who are holy. This is the change he came, lived, died, and rose to produce. This is the life and work he offers us in exchange for the temporal glories we would otherwise pursue. This kingdom agenda is intended to control our hearts and transform our lives.And as I pondered this, I came across the following video with Randy Alcorn that just seemed to dove-tail with all these thoughts. The darkest time we experience is the alienation of losing the support and love of our brothers and sisters in Christ, but that is not an excuse for abandoning them and moving on. There is submission and lack of self-absorption to be learned there.
The purpose of education is not the assimilation of facts or the retention of information, but the habituation of the mind and body to will and act in accordance with what one knows...According to Aristotle, the perfect end of education will be an activity that is engaged in for its own sake, complete and sufficient unto itself. Aristotle calls the activity for which education prepares man-- happiness.
~David Hicks, Norms and Nobility: A Treatise on Education, p.20