Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring and life

With the gradual blooming of Spring, I am again moved by the awe of life: whether it be the tulips and violas at the Albuquerque zoo (at left), or the house finches mating and flirting and flitting at my bird feeder and in my trees, I am struck by what a promise Spring is. It is God's promise to continue providing for the world, for the seasons to continue changing, for the sun to continue in its course. What a precious promise!

Whenever I contemplate life, I cannot help but be saddened by the culture of death around us. I have seen several manifestations of this recently:
  • Read about presidential candidate Barak Obama's record on life issues in this Washington post OpEd piece by Michael Gerson.
  • There is an excellent post from a former pro-choice feminists at the Radical Womanhood blog, detailing her journey and posting a Youtube video to the original pro-life video, "Silent Scream".
  • From a slightly different approach, here is an excellent post about the role tax policies play in undermining the strength of the family (with lots of good links included).
  • Here is an excellent editorial from the Washington Times regarding the abortion industry as a big corporation.
  • And here is a piece from the Christian Post about legislation aimed at the practice of aborting the disabled.
All sober food for thought on this beautiful spring day... May I ever be grateful for Spring by praising the God from whom all these blessings flow. And may I never dismiss or belittle His good gift of life!

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