As my dear friend LJ has said, "Despite name-calling in the news, there are rational reasons for opposing health care reform as the US president has crafted it." One of the issues that gives me pause is the idea that public funding (my money and yours) may soon go to "reproductive health", aka abortion. I find it hard to consider paying for outright murder of innocents. I find the culture of death we live in becoming darker and darker on issues of life. The most horrifying thing I've seen referenced recently is the harvesting of fetal organs (if you don't find this reference frightening enough, click on the link to the original article it references.) So, now that adult stem cells are showing more promise than embrionic ones, we must still find some reason to justify killing babies.
Al Mohler has had a couple of excellent articles recently on the topic of abortion. They can be found here and here.
May God have mercy on us, Gentle Reader, for participating in this slaughter.
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