This week's interesting economics articles: first, get a great picture of the size of the monstrous stimulus package here: it really helps to "picture" a trillion dollars. Another interesting picture is this chart of American trends in savings. What with all the hubbub over Rush Limbaugh's ridiculous comments, I found this article by John Mark Reynolds to be remarkably wise and civilized. And if you need a good laugh over the economy, try this by Scott Ott.
Something more disturbing even the economic situation occurred today, however, though I suppose it is not unexpected. President Obama rescinded the ban on federal funding for stem cell research. My tax dollars and yours will now be spent to kill innocent souls, and the culture of death will continue to grow. You can read about the lack of necessity for using embryonic stem cells many places, but I appreciated this article this morning. If you want to think more about the consequences of the culture of death around us, particularly where the unborn are concerned, please read this article by Tim Bayly.
We are living in dark days, Gentle Readers. But I don't think we should despair. We should repent and believe. One excellent way to re-focus for me this weekend was this sermon by John Piper on suffering and God's glory. I recommend it!
1 comment:
I just listened to a recent Mark Driscoll sermon on submission to authority and then this last week's on submission to unjust authority, both from I Peter. Very timely. I'm not sure how to put links in the comments, but I'm sure that you can find it easily enough at Mars Hill Church. Thanks for the John Piper link. I'll try to listen later this week.
The John Mark Reynolds piece was a good one, but I think many of us cringing at Rush's bravado are also falling for the straw man put forth by his enemies, that Rush wishes the President to fail therefore the nation to fail just to spite the President. The point is that Rush wishes his policies to fail politically so they do not come to pass. Just as we wish he would have failed to garner political support to rescind the ban on federal funding, we hope that his budget will not pass as it stands, etc.
This past Sunday I taught the third grade lesson which was about Cyrus, the Lord's anointed, who God used to release His people to rebuild Jerusalem. Although Cyrus gave the Lord honor in his proclamation, we don't have evidence that he had faith, and yet God calls him his anointed. God has placed our President in authority over us at this time for His purposes. I feel the stirrings of my deep American patriotism, but humbly remember that God's plan for America may be quite different than I would like.
Dark days, indeed. May my eyes be open to my complacency, worldliness, and lack of faith and may I cling to Christ in response!
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