I ran across a rather horrifying story and some interesting commentary on the subject here today. This confirms the uneasiness I have felt for some time regarding transplant issues (which came to a head a few months ago when a friend lost her daughter in an automobile accident. This also confirms the need for Christians to think carefully about a biblical response to issues, not just theological, but medical, ethical, economic, etc. And it thus confirms my plan to teach another young group of students how to think from a Biblical perspective, stand up for their faith, and be wise citizens and clear witnesses in this broken world. May the Lord be pleased to bring fruit from such labor, and may He raise up an army of young adults ready to confront the culture for Christ!
And lastly, now for something completely different... Thanks to DesertMom for alerting me to the following hysterical video from YouTube. Any of you who have been subjected to children practicing violin will appreciate this....
I'm also concerned about the "harvesting" of organs, but more on a global level since I think our laws will deal with this doc in such a way that all others be warned. Globally, though, it's a whole different ball game.
Reports have come from China and other places where people are lured into the sale of their own healthy organs to escape abject poverty. Some can argue that these people have made a choice, but reports have also surfaced of poor who have awoken to find they have undergone surgery without knowledge let alone concent. NPR did a story on several such people in Pakistan just a few weeks ago. The poor peasant is paid a few hundred dollars for his pain, while the medical tourist from some rich country where organs are few and the waiting list long pays thousands. And where does the difference between the two go? Yes, someone is making a killing.
The Canadians are considering legislation which would make it illegal for their citizens to travel abroad for transplants in which the organ was either purchased or taken from an unwilling victim.
Here's the link:
Click on "Canadian MP introduces bill to punish human organ harvesting."
Caution: It's quite disturbing.
Yes, Dawn, I saw this as well, and it is, indeed, horrifying!
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