Tuesday, May 06, 2008


This morning was one of those mornings that started early... after a peaceful sleep from about 11:00 until 4:15, despite grumblies in my tummy after my barium snacks yesterday afternoon. But at 4:15 I was wide awake, an the day was starting despite my best attempts to return to sleep. So I prayed, I cuddled with my husband, and then rose to listen to God's word and start the day...

Here are a few things I've been collecting that have been interesting or encouraging to me lately. Hope you find them so as well...
  • Stephen Altrogge offers and excellent, brief audio clip of John piper talking about the benefits of suffering here. I can only say "Amen!"
  • Dr. John Currid offers this encouragement for not losing heart here.
  • Tim Challies offers a helpful reflection on our job as parents and our response as children here. (And his blog today on our inherrent sinfulness is excellent as well!)
  • Dallas Theological Seminary has an online rare books collection that looks worth knowing about here.
  • And lastly, just for fun, Switchfoot has just released a music video of a song done for the soundtrack of the upcoming Narnia movie, Prince Caspian, here. Since we are both Switchfoot and Narnia fans, this was fun to watch (thanks to T.C. for the link.)

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