As I learn to rearm myself for the battle ahead (pick up the weapons of the spirtitual war that will help me fight the physical one), I am dwelling in God's promises. I am afraid I am also being a demanding child. When the enemy is attacking, I find all I can do is remind God of his promises and demand He keep them.
"Lord. you say you will be sufficient for me. Be sufficient."
"Lord, you promise the peace that passes all understanding. I need that peace right now. Please give it to me!"
Christ said what father, when his son asks for bread, will give him a stone instead. So I am asking for those things that the Father promises His children: peace and rest and trust in Him. And I am being insistent in prayer.
I am also asking Him for what I want: healing, restoration of health, minimal pain. But I am not demanding these things in the same way. I do not know the mind of God. I do not know what He plans for me. But I do know I can rest in the fact that His plan is perfect: it is good, and will bring Him glory. So the things I want, I lay before Him, and ask Him to give them to me if they are best, and to help me accept His will where it is different from mine.
What a privilege it is to be a child...even a demanding one.
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