I always find it a rather melancholy thing to take down the Christmas decorations. Everything looks so bare. This is particularly so when the decorations are removed the day after all the children leave, and our home seems especially quiet. Somehow it seems like we have stripped everything bare, and loneliness has come to stay.
So, since today is a melancholy day, instead of coming up with self-centered resolutions, I am borrowing some resolutions and reminders from others, for my own benefit, and to share with you, Gentle Readers.
Here are 7 reasons to remember to say "Lord willing" when talking about future plans. This is a good reminder as we head into a new year full of plans.
Here are some excellent reminders on how to spend our time well, from one of my favorite theologians (Dr. R. C. Sproul).
Here are five reasons blogging improves your writing. You all will have to judge if it has helped me or not.
Here is an excellent reminder of what the object of our worship should be in the new year, and always. Pastor Currid always gives encouraging thoughts on this blog. Here is another regarding humility.
Geoff at Be Thou My Vision lists several of Jonathan Edwards' resolutions. I listed these in their entirety last year at this time. They are always excellent to review.
This weekend I am renewing my prayer notebook-- a three-ring binder where I keep prayer requests under various categories. I will get it up-to-date and resolve to be better organized in my prayer life yet again. (This is a yearly resolution, with no end in sight in this world...) And I will begin a two-year cycle of reading through the bible. I have a lovely notebook I will try to take notes in as I read.
What are your resolutions as we begin a new year? May we all draw closer to God this year, and may we see the further coming of His kingdom, free from melancholy and longing.
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