Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Easter is behind us, and we are officially into Spring, as attested to by my blooming crocus. What a promise they bring of warmth and life to come!

J. I. Packer had an interesting article reminiscing about God's surprises in his life here at Christianity Today. Packer is a man I really admire in his steadfastness over the years.

My friend Jean in Wisc had a lovely post on surrender. It was challenging and encouraging to me in a brief, articulate way.

Daily Writing Tips offers a wonderful Spelling Test here. I must admit I only scored a 90% the first time. My students would be scandalized, I'm sure!

John Leonard offers a beautifully written prayer on the Reformation21 web site. Oh, that my heart would pray like this without reading blogs or The Valley of Vision!

And lastly, I intended to get this posted last week, but here is a Googlemaps guide to events of Holy Week. Quite interesting!

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